This is the 3rd license plate mount/light I've bought, and while they all look the same from 5ft away, the Nilight is of much better quality. The others seems to have a thinner bracket made out of cheap grade almuminum or pot metal. The hardware on the others were of the same material. The biggest difference though was the light on the Nilight was solidly riveted to the bracket. There is 0 chance it will come loose. The other 2 had the light screwed to the bracket and the screws weren't even tight. The other 2 also came with 22-24AWG stranded wire. I found it hard to crimp. I'm not sure if the Nilight was of the same gauge, but I found it was much easier to crimp. The lense and LEDs on the Nilight appeared to be of higher quality too. As for appearance, the Nilight is the only one that arrived without any blemishes in the chrome finish. I've used other Nilight products and have been happy with them.